Technology-driven and Application-driven Architecture Innovation: Past, Present, and Future.
主讲人:谢源,IEEE Follow/美国加州大学圣芭芭拉分校ECE教授
The interaction between computer architecture and IC technology is complicated and bi-directional. Emerging technologies, such as 3D integration and new non-volatile memories, affect the decisions computer architects make, while the developments in computer architecture also influence the viability of different technologies. On the other hand, emerging applications, such as machine learning and IOT, also provide new drivers and pose new challenges for future architecture design. As our community embarks upon the post-Moore's Law era and looks towards a post-CMOS life, technology-driven and application-driven architecture innovation may become the keys for future computer architecture research.
Yuan Xie was with IBM, Armonk, NY, USA, from 2002 to 2003, and AMD Research China Lab, Beijing, China, from 2012 to 2013. He has been a Professor with Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, USA, since 2003. He is currently a Professor with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, USA. His current research interests include computer architecture, Electronic Design Automation, and VLSI design.